Tuesday, June 30, 2009

HFW: Colossians 1:21-27

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (2), the second reading is Colossians 1:21-27. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. What was our former condition?
    2. How do we continue in the gospel?
    3. Why did Paul become a minister to the church?
    4. What does Paul mean when he says “the church?”
    5. What is the hope of glory?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Announcements for June 29-July 5

PARENTS OF THREE YEAR OLDS & YOUNGER--Because we want you to be able to enjoy and focus during our worship service, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of our nursery ministry. Nursery workers will be delighted to help care for your little one, and even provide a pager for you in case your assistance is needed. Your child will be well cared for while you (and those seated around you) will be able to focus on the morning's service.

BAPTISM--We are excited to announce that we will be celebrating God's saving work in people's lives through baptisms next week. We already have two people who desire to publicly announce the salvation God has granted them through Christ. If you would like to join them in making your faith in Jesus public, please contact the office so we can meet with you

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP--Men, we will not be meeting this Saturday, July 4. Our next fellowship will be July 18.

PRAISE IN THE PARK--Please join us next Sunday for our Praise in the Park service at 10am at the park bandshell.

WOMEN’S SUMMER STUDY--Wednesday at 9:30 (am study) and Thursday, at 6:30 (pm study).

SUMMER STUDIES--If you signed up for the Summer Studies, they will be starting tonight at 6:30pm here at Grace.

JOY CLUB EVENT--Mark your calendars for July 19th. We are going to have our 2nd Annual Ice Cream Social at Dearing's Retreat. Remember? Fishing, golf cart rides, bean bag toss, HOMEMADE ice cream and lots of fun! Keep watching for the details!!

HFW: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (2), the first reading is 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. What did Paul's calling look like? What was its purpose?
    2. How was Paul's calling similar to the calling of the saints of Corinth?
    3. What words describe the work of God for the believers in Corinth?
    4. How is this true of all believers?
    5. How will Jesus present them someday?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

HFW: Matthew 7:24-29

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

The first reading is Matthew 7:24-29. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. How does one prove wise?
    2. How does true wisdom provide stability?
    3. What proves a person to be a fool?
    4. When does the fruit of wisdom or foolishness appear?
    5. What is the relationship between authority and wisdom?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

HFW: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

The first reading is 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. Describe the interaction between man's foolishness and God's wisdom?
    2. What sort of things do people seek in regard to wisdom?
    3. Should we consider ourselves wise?
    4. Why would God choose to use things regarded as foolish?
    5. Where should our pride rest?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

HFW: Romans 1:20-23

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

The second reading is Romans 1:20-23. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 (or so) thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. What attributes of God can be discerned from creation?
    2. What were two negative responses to seeing God?
    3. What is the root of their futility?
    4. How do people view themselves?
    5. What is the end result of this foolishness?

Monday, June 22, 2009

HFW: Romans 11:33-36

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

The first reading is Romans 11:33-36. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. What is the difference between wisdom, knowledge, judgments and ways?
    2. What do the words "deep," "unsearchable," and "unfathomable" express?
    3. Take a look at Isaiah 40 and Job 41. What is the context for these original quotes?
    4. To what purpose do all things exist?
    5. What do the words "from," to," and "through" fully convey?

Announcements for June 22-28

VBS--a huge thank you to all who were involved in making VBS a success this year! Please pray with us that the seeds planted will bear much fruit and that children will truly treasure Christ above all!

PRAISE IN THE PARK--Our next Praise in the Park service will be July 5 at 10am at the park bandshell. Please join us.

WOMEN’S SUMMER STUDY--Wednesday at 9:30 (am study) and Thursday, at 6:30 (pm study).

SHAKE WELCOME NIGHT--All incoming 7th graders and parents, please join us this Wednesday night, June 24th @ 6pm. Food will be provided.

SUMMER STUDIES--If you are interested in the Summer Studies, they will be starting next Sunday night, June 28 at 6:30pm here at Grace. To sign up, fill out the tear-off portion of your bulletin.

BAPTISM--Baptism is a wonderful opportunity to make a outward, visible confession of an inward reality of your faith in Christ. If you know Christ as your Savior and have not participated in baptism, you (and our church) are missing out on a tremendous blessing. If you are interested in being baptized, we encourage you to call the office and arrange an appointment to discuss this issue. We are planning a baptism service soon!

SHAKE BON-FIRE--When: Fri. June 26th, Time: 7 – 11pm
Where: Powell’s house
8315 St. Rt. 722
Arcanum, OH 45304
There will be…- A bon-fire, Food, Games, Pool (one-piece suit required girls)
49 South past both flashy lights at
Arcanum, turn right on Karr Rd. and go
to the 2nd stop sign. Turn left on 722.
It is the 3rd house on the right.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Announcements for June 15-21

SUMMER PLANS: Somewhere in time, summer used to represent relaxation and taking a break. Sure, the kids are out of school and you may have a vacation (or two) planned and yes, there's the Great Darke County Fair--but often these things can actually make our schedules busier.
As elders, we are praying that you do not take a "vacation" on your walk with the Lord. The following are some ways we encourage you to continue to grow during the summer months:
1) STRIVE TO JOIN US ON SUNDAYS--Weeks can easily get away. One week you're out of town. The next week, you had a long Saturday night. And then the next just seems like the perfect week to hit the lake. Before long, you've missed several weeks (and been missed) and your walk will be effected. Sure, we want you to feel the freedom to "get away," but also encourage you to consider how we may stimulate one another toward love and good deeds.

2) STUDY WITH OUR SUMMER SERMON SERIES--Yes, LIFEGroups are suspended for the summer. However, we still want you to be in the Word throughout the week. We've compiled a book, "His Foolish Wisdom," that we would love for every person to go through with us. We believe it will help keep you in the Word, help you be prepared for Sundays, and help strengthen Greenville Grace.

3) SIGN UP FOR A SUNDAY EVENING CLASS--Our adult Sunday School can only include one class during the school year (due to classroom space limitations), so we try to take advantage of smaller, more interactive classes during the summer. Sign up to join us for one of our "summer studies" and grow in a particular area of faith. (see insert for more information.)

4) SERVE WITH VBS--Join us in ministering to our kids and other kids in the community during VBS. There are a number of ways you can serve (even if you can't all week). See Tammy Detrich for more details.

5) RUTH/ROMANS--Ok, so we couldn't figure out how to start this one with an "s." (We know you love alliteration!) Men, you always have an open invitation to join us for our men's studies on Monday nights and Saturday mornings. Ladies, if you are still interested (and if you beg), I'm sure you could still be included in the women's study of Ruth.

We truly pray that you will not only find the summer change of pace to be refreshing, but that it will also give you an opportunity to grow in your love and devotion to Christ!

V.B.S.--This Week June 14-18

We will be having a Youth Car Wash this Saturday (June 20th) from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM @ Mike Fourman's Dentist Office (138 Shawnee Street). This is a youth fundraiser for our summer missions trip to inner-city Indianapolis. Please come and have your car washed, and tell a friend about it too! All donations will go towards sponsoring teens for the trip!

WOMEN’S SUMMER STUDY--Wednesday at 9:30 (am study) and Thursday, at 6:30 (pm study).

MEN’S TRAINING--This Monday night will be cancelled in light of VBS. Our next meeting will be June 29 at 7:00 pm where we will study Rom. 4:1-15.

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP--Men come join us this Saturday morning at 7am for our Men's Fellowship breakfast.

SHAKE WELCOME NIGHT--For all incoming 7th graders and their parents Wednesday, June 24th @ 6pm. Food will be provided.

SUMMER STUDIES--If you are interested in the Summer Studies, they will be on Sunday nights starting June 28-August 9 at 6:30pm here at Grace. To sign up, fill out the tear-off portion of your bulletin.

BAPTISM--Baptism is a wonderful opportunity to make a outward, visible confession of an inward reality of your faith in Christ. If you know Christ as your Savior and have not participated in baptism, you (and our church) are missing out on a tremendous blessing. If you are interested in being baptized, we encourage you to call the office and arrange an appointment to discuss this issue. We are planning a baptism service soon!

Monday, June 8, 2009

VBS Small Group Stuff

Here are some tools to help provide our small group leaders for VBS...

Click the picture to the left to enlarge the small group leader's sheet for Sunday night.

Click the video to watch (10:12 minutes), to help prepare you for small group leadership.

Included in the video:

1) Be here at 6:30pm on Sunday (every other night, be here by 6:45)

2) Your group will be organized by a color. You will have a color assigned to you and your children's name tags will show that color also.

3) General Schedule for the lesson/small group time.

4) Working through the Small Group Leader's Sheet (see above)

5) Helping your students respond to the gospel.

We are so thrilled for your participation and are looking forward to an excellent week. Thank you for your ministry to children, Greenville Grace and to Jesus Christ!

Announcements for June 8-14

VBS--If you have not registered your child for Vacation Bible School please do so today. We are still in need of craft helpers. We have a sign up for snacks and drinks that we need donated. They will need to be delivered by Sunday Morning June 14th. If you are unable to help the week of VBS and would like some other way to help, we have a sign up for those of you that would like to help us offset the cost of supplies. For more information, please see the VBS table in the narthex or contact Tammy Dietrich at 548-6811 or jeffntammyd1@gmail.com . Please be sure and pick up invitations for your friends and family at the table as well.

WOMEN’S SUMMER STUDY--Ladies, if you signed up for the summer study of Ruth, we will be starting this Wednesday, June 10 at 9:30 (am study) and Thursday, June 11 at 6:30 (pm study).

SHAKE WELCOME NIGHT--For all incoming 7th graders and their parents Wednesday, June 24th @ 6pm. Food will be provided.

SUMMER STUDIES--If you are interested in the Summer Studies, they will be on Sunday nights starting June 28-August 9 at 6:30pm here at Grace. Go by the table in narthex to sign-up.

BAPTISM--Baptism is a wonderful opportunity to make a outward, visible confession of an inward reality of your faith in Christ. If you know Christ as your Savior and have not participated in baptism, you (and our church) are missing out on a tremendous blessing. If you are interested in being baptized, we encourage you to call the office and arrange an appointment to discuss this issue. We are planning a baptism service soon!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Announcements for June 1-7-09

SUMMER PLANS: Somewhere in time, summer used to represent relaxation and taking a break. Sure, the kids are out of school and you may have a vacation (or two) planned and yes, there's the Great Darke County Fair--but often these things can actually make our schedules busier.
As elders, we are praying that you do not take a "vacation" on your walk with the Lord. The following are some ways we encourage you to continue to grow during the summer months:
1) STRIVE TO JOIN US ON SUNDAYS--Weeks can easily get away. One week you're out of town. The next week, you had a long Saturday night. And then the next just seems like the perfect week to hit the lake. Before long, you've missed several weeks (and been missed) and your walk will be effected. Sure, we want you to feel the freedom to "get away," but also encourage you to consider how we may stimulate one another toward love and good deeds.

2) STUDY WITH OUR SUMMER SERMON SERIES--Yes, LIFEGroups are suspended for the summer. However, we still want you to be in the Word throughout the week. We've compiled a book, "His Foolish Wisdom," that we would love for every person to go through with us. We believe it will help keep you in the Word, help you be prepared for Sundays, and help strengthen Greenville Grace.

3) SIGN UP FOR A SUNDAY EVENING CLASS--Our adult Sunday School can only include one class during the school year (due to classroom space limitations), so we try to take advantage of smaller, more interactive classes during the summer. Sign up to join us for one of our "summer studies" and grow in a particular area of faith. (see insert for more information.)

4) SERVE WITH VBS--Join us in ministering to our kids and other kids in the community during VBS. There are a number of ways you can serve (even if you can't all week). See Tammy Detrich for more details.

5) RUTH/ROMANS--Ok, so we couldn't figure out how to start this one with an "s." (We know you love alliteration!) Men, you always have an open invitation to join us for our men's studies on Monday nights and Saturday mornings. Ladies, if you are still interested (and if you beg), I'm sure you could still be included in the women's study of Ruth.

We truly pray that you will not only find the summer change of pace to be refreshing, but that it will also give you an opportunity to grow in your love and devotion to Christ!

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP--Join us this Saturday morning for our Men's Fellowship breakfast. Food will be served at 7 am and our study will follow.

VBS is coming, we need you to pre-register your children. Please stop by the VBS table and fill out a registration form today. We still need a few more small group leaders. We have a sign up for snacks and drinks that we need donated. They will need to be delivered by Sunday Morning June 14th. If you are unable to help the week of VBS and would like some other way to help, we have a sign up for those of you that would like to help us offset the cost of supplies. For more information, please see the VBS table in the narthex or contact Tammy Dietrich at 548-6811 or jeffntammyd1@gmail.com . Please be sure and pick up invitations for your friends and family at the table as well.

WOMEN’S SUMMER STUDY--Ladies, starting June 10 (am study) and June 11 (pm study) a eight week study of Ruth will begin. We strongly encourage you to go by the table in narthex to sign-up today if you will be taking the study.

SUMMER STUDIES--If you are interested in the Summer Studies, they will be on Sunday nights starting June 28-August 9 at 6:30pm here at Grace. Sign-up sheets are on the table in narthex.

BAPTISM--Baptism is a wonderful opportunity to make a outward, visible confession of an inward reality of your faith in Christ. If you know Christ as your Savior and have not participated in baptism, you (and our church) are missing out on a tremendous blessing. If you are interested in being baptized, we encourage you to call the office and arrange an appointment to discuss this issue. We are planning a baptism service soon!

PRAISE IN THE PARK CARRY-IN next Sunday following the service at: The Steve Garber farm, 8802 Hartle Rd., Greenville

A-K vegetable and a dessert
L-Z salad and a dessert

Church will provide the meat and drinks. Bring your own place settings.

HAPPY CAMPERS--Are you looking for a summer camp experience where your child can have fun and grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus? We've got two options for you. Our Tristate District of Grace Brethren Churches is offering "Creation Adventure" July 12th-17th. Skyview Ranch is also offering camps five different weeks in the summer. If interested in either camp (we recommend either one!), stop by the church office for information or check out their websites. (tristatecamp.com or skyviewranch.org)