Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Below are the following testimonies given during our baptisms this past Sunday:

Jennifer Sachs
I was privileged enough to grow up in a Christian home. I learned much about Jesus through a children’s bible program that my mother taught at our church on Wednesday evening. It was during 6th grade church camp that I accepted Christ. However, it was not until college that I really got a firm grasp on what believing in Jesus really meant. It was during this time that I discovered Jesus was more than a man without sin, he was the ultimate sacrifice for my own sins and that he bore the penalty of the cross for those sins. Throughout the last several years, my faith has grown immensely as I have learned to let go of my worries and let his plan for my life be fulfilled in his time. I have especially learned to trust him more in the last year and a half since our move to Ohio and starting a new job, beginning a new chapter in my married life, and fixing up a new home. I thank Jesus daily for his provision and for the grace he lovingly gives to me despite my errors. I am being baptized this morning to fulfill Jesus command in the Great Commision. I stand here this morning as a sinner saved by grace because Christ Jesus took upon himself my sins, died and rose again so that I can enjoy eternity with himself and God, the father.

Shawn Sachs
I grew up in a church going home, sang in a college church choir, and called myself a Christian. Not until God pulled me out of my comfort zone and moved me to rural Illinois after college, knowing no-one, did I recognize my emptiness was separation from God. I saw God as a judge and did not realize my relationship could be any different. Christian radio programs helped me recognize my sin separated me from God. The only way to have that relationship is to accept Christ in to my heart by faith and accept the gift of the cross. My only sister, ahead of me in my decision making for the Lord, eagerly prayed for me and answered questions as I worked through my thoughts. A brother named Sergeant witnessed to me through his humble servant heart. His testimony showed me my sin and how forgiving our God is. He also demonstrated how diligent dedication to reading God's word, builds faith and wisdom. Since choosing Christ, I experienced a tremendous mountain top experience and God walked with me through some valleys. God is faithful - always. My parents baptized me as a child dedicating my life and their parenthood to raising a boy into a Christian man. The Great Commission, Mark 16:16 says Believe and be baptized. I thank God for this blessing today. Amen.

Chris Denlinger
Having been raised in a Christian home, I have always known that I was born into sin that I am a sinner, therefore in need of salvation and years ago asked Christ into my heart, but never really lived for him. Living for Christ requires change, and change is rarely an easy task. It requires stepping out of my comfort zone.
This past year I was convicted that if God could send his one and only son to this earth in human form to live a perfect life as an example for me, be falsely accused, ridiculed, beaten, hung on a cross between heaven and earth, dying as payment for my sins, surly I could change and live a life devoted to him and his church.
I came before God, confessing and repenting of my sins. My desire to serve God in obedience to him is greater now than at any time in my past, and it was placed on my heart that baptism was required in my obedience to Him.
I believe that my salvation comes through faith in Christ Jesus by grace. That there is absolutely nothing I can do of myself that makes me right and pure before God. It is my desire to serve Christ now through all eternity. To God be all praise and glory forever!

To the praise of the glory of His grace!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Announcements for Jan. 26-Feb. 1

MEN’S TRAINING--Starting February 9, Men's ministry will be offering a new class which will seek to equip men to think and live Biblically in various contexts. From 7:00 to 7:30 pm we will be having an in-depth study of the Book of Romans led by various facilitators. From 7:30 to 8:00 pm, our attention will be drawn to a specific topic which will help equip us to be better fathers, husbands, etc. Please be sure to mark Feb. 9 on your calendar to come and hear about these changes and how they will be relevant to you and your ministry.

ELDER STUDY--We will be offering another "Biblical Eldership Class" every other Monday night. Class will begin February 16th @ 7pm and will run through August 3rd. If you are interested, please go by the table in narthex to sign up.

WORSHIP WORKSHOP- On February 21, the Music Ministry will be providing a Worship Workshop for all those interested in musical worship. In the past, this time has been particularly directed at our music team members, but now is open to anyone in the church interested in learning about a Biblical basis for musical worship in the Scripture or how to better perform music in the church setting. Former Grace Music Intern Jeff Capps ( http://www.jeffcapps.com/) will also be coming to provide additional instruction. If interested, please fill out a registration form found at the table in the narthex and leave it in the offering plate before Sunday morning, February 15.

WEEKEND TO REMEMBER--Another Family Life Conference is coming to Cincinnati this March 6-8. Many people in our church can vouch for the benefit of these conferences. Every marriage, regardless of its condition, can benefit from some intentional focus. We'd highly recommend you check out the table in the narthex to receive more information. Also, see Dan or Jeni Berger for information about potential discounts.

ATTENTION LADIES--Overnight Retreat on April 17 & 18, at The Golden Eagle Retreat Center, Palestine, OH. Stop by the table in narthex for more details.
Dare 2 Share: (Jan. 30-31) We will be departing from the church on Friday at 3:30pm. If you have any questions, please see Matt.

VISION NIGHT--On February 15th @ 6pm, we will be having our “Vision Night.” This night is designed to review the previous year and share general direction of the year ahead. As elders, we consider this a critical time to gather together and share with one another. We encourage you to be able to make this meeting.

LIFE GROUPS--If you have not yet joined a LIFEGroup, now would be the perfect time to sign up. Information cards are available on wooden table in Narthex.

ELDER LEADERSHIP--As we mentioned in Sunday School about a month ago, the Scripture does not teach a distinction between elder and pastor. Therefore, it is our desire as elders to serve the church body as a team of pastors. Also, we realize that having two pastors (Jason Bradshaw & Matt Strader) who are not considered elders is probably inconsistent too. In order to be more Biblically consistent, we are presenting Matt and Jason before the church for “elder review.” Please examine 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 in light of their lives. Then, speak to an elder about their shepherding.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Announcements for January 19-25

Life Groups--If you have not yet joined a LIFEGroup, now would be the perfect time to sign up. Groups will be starting up in full force again after the first of the year, and since we’ll be starting into a new book (Leviticus) it would be a perfect time to join in. If you are interested, simply tear off the portion in the bulletin and list your contact information and best available nights (anything but Monday or Saturday). Then, either place the sheet in the offering plate or place it on the main desk in the office. Someone will then contact you. It’s that easy!

Elder Leadership--As we mentioned in Sunday School about a month ago, the Scripture does not teach a distinction between elder and pastor. Therefore, it is our desire as elders to serve the church body as a team of pastors. Also, we realize that having two pastors (Jason Bradshaw & Matt Strader) who are not considered elders is probably inconsistent too. In order to be more Biblically consistent, we are presenting Matt and Jason before the church for “elder review.” Please examine 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 in light of their lives. Then, speak to an elder about their shepherding.

--We will be having a baptism celebration next Sunday morning. Please plan to join us to celebrate the work of Christ in the lives of people here at Grace!

WEEKEND TO REMEMBER--Another Family Life Conference is coming to Cincinnati this March 6-8. Many people in our church can vouch for the benefit of these conferences. Every marriage, regardless of its condition, can benefit from some intentional focus. We'd highly recommend you check out the table in the narthex to receive more information. Also, see Dan or Jeni Berger for information about potential discounts.

Dare 2 Share: (Jan. 30-31)
All teens that are planning on going to Dare 2 Share need to get their money and permission slips in by Wednesday, January 7th. Please make checks out to Greenville Grace. There will be an informational meeting for parents Wed. January 21st @ 6 PM. Please see Matt if you have any questions or email him at: matt@greenvillegrace.org.

LOVE & RESPECT VIDEO CONFERENCE--Greenville Fellowship is offering a six week video teaching from Emerson Eggerich (starting January 26th). Each Monday they will be meeting here at Grace to watch the videos and have a time of discussion. They want to make sure Greenville Grace people know they are also invited! Childcare will be provided on a donation basis, and there is no cost for the conference (a $10 workbook is optional). If you are interested, please contact Rich/Linda Deaton (678.8409).

Men’s Ministry--Starting February 9th, we will be launching a new aspect of our Men's Ministry. Come join with other men, every other Monday night, for a study of the Book of Romans as well as a time of equipping to better serve our wife, children and our church. Keep your eyes open for more details to come!

Elder Study--We will be offering another "Biblical Eldership Class" every other Monday night. Class will begin February 16th @ 7pm and will run through August 3rd. If you are interested, please go by the table in narthex to sign up.

Worship Workshop- On February 21, the Music Ministry will be providing a Worship Workshop for all those interested in musical worship. In the past, this time has been particularly directed at our music team members but now is open to anyone in the church interested in learning about a Biblical basis for musical worship in the Scripture or how to better perform music in the church setting. Former Grace Music Intern Jeff Capps ( www.jeffcapps.com) will also be coming to provide additional instruction. If interested, please fill out a registration form found at the table in the narthex and leave it in the offering plate before Sunday morning, February 15.

Attention Ladies
--Overnight Retreat on April 17 & 18, at The Golden Eagle Retreat Center, Palestine, OH. See fliers on table in narthex for more details.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Prayer and Praise

Tim Wolfe sent me the following email today. It is in regard to a new church plant SCORE has begun right at their score headquarters:
18 January 2009. Early this morning it was raining and that is bad news in a country where the common people don’t go out in the rain because they have to walk or ride a motor bike. However it stopped before seven and we had 92 at the new SCORE church this morning; there were several new people. We met at SCORE rather than the public school as we did last week. The school officials are now fighting among themselves as to whether or not to let us use the school. Problem is, we are out of room at SCORE and need more space. We know of at least a dozen people who did not show up this morning who are likely to be there next week.
We need prayer for options as to where an expanding church can grow.
This picture about says it all!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Announcements for January 12-18

Life Groups--If you have not yet joined a LIFEGroup, now would be the perfect time to sign up. Groups will be starting up in full force again after the first of the year, and since we’ll be starting into a new book (Leviticus) it would be a perfect time to join in. If you are interested, simply tear off the portion in the bulletin and list your contact information and best available nights (anything but Monday or Saturday). Then, either place the sheet in the offering plate or place it on the main desk in the office. Someone will then contact you. It’s that easy!

Welcome to Grace--Are you interested in knowing more about Greenville Grace. Perhaps you've been coming for a while and would like to determine if Grace is your permanent home. Then we recommend the "Welcome to Grace" Class. This class will meet at 6:30pm on January 11, 18 & 25 (each class builds on another, so all three are necessary). If you would like to check out this class, please fill out the tear off portion of the bulletin and place it in the offering or on Sonda's desk.

Baptism--We will be having a baptism celebration on January 25th. Please plan to join us to celebrate the work of Christ in the lives of people here at Grace!

Grace’s Snow Policy--Wondering what we will do in case of a major snowfall? Our current policy is, unless there is a Level 3 warning out (making it illegal to travel on the roads) we will meet here for those who can make it. If we make any changes or cancellations, we’ll do our best to get it posted on local media outlets, but a few little flurries aren’t going to scare us away. Besides, if we all got snowed in at the church, can you think of a better place to get stuck?

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!--Words cannot express the amazing gift it is to shepherd here at Greenville Grace. God has called us--undeservedly--to Himself. He's given us the privilege to be undershepherds. Then He lavishes His grace upon us by allowing us to serve at Greenville Grace. The Christmas gift this year, with your generosity and care, is a great example of this. We praise God for you and thank you for your generosity.--Danny, Jason & Matt (and our wives!)

Men's Fellowship- This Saturday, January 17, all men are invited to our Men's Fellowship time as we will be discussing how to become a man of accountability. Breakfast will be served at 7 am and the meeting should conclude around 8:15. Hope to see you there!

Dare 2 Share: (Jan. 30-31)
All teens that are planning on going to Dare 2 Share need to get their money and permission slips in by Wednesday, January 7th. Please make checks out to Greenville Grace. There will be an informational meeting for parents Wed. January 21st @ 6 PM. Please see Matt if you have any questions or email him at: matt@greenvillegrace.org.

LOVE & RESPECT VIDEO CONFERENCE--Greenville Fellowship is offering a six week video teaching from Emerson Eggerich (starting January 26th). Each Monday they will be meeting here at Grace to watch the videos and have a time of discussion. They want to make sure Greenville Grace people know they are also invited! Childcare will be provided on a donation basis, and there is no cost for the conference (a $10 workbook is optional). If you are interested, please contact Rich/Linda Deaton (678.8409).

Men’s Ministry--Starting February 9th, we will be launching a new aspect of our Men's Ministry. Come join with other men, every other Monday night, for a study of the Book of Romans as well as a time of equipping to better serve our wife, children and our church. Keep your eyes open for more details to come!

Elder Study--We will be offering another "Biblical Eldership Class" every other Monday night. Class will begin February 16th @ 7pm and will run through August 3rd. If you are interested, please fill out the tear off portion of the bulletin and place it in the offering, or on Sonda's desk.

Women’s Study--Starting February 19, we will be studying, “Becoming God’s True Woman” by Nancy Demoss and “Feminine Appeal” by Carolyn Mahaney. Both books have similar topics and compliment each other. You will be contacted for cost of class. Go by table in narthex to sign up. Deadline is January 4.

WEEKEND TO REMEMBER--Another Family Life Conference is coming to Cincinnati this March 6-8. Many people in our church can vouch for the benefit of these conferences. Every marriage, regardless of its condition, can benefit from some intentional focus. We'd highly recommend you check out the table in the narthex to receive more information. Also, see Dan or Jeni Berger for information about potential discounts.

Attention Ladies--Overnight Retreat on April 17 & 18, at The Golden Eagle Retreat Center, Palestine, OH. See fliers on table in narthex for more details.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Announcements for Jan. 5-11

Dare 2 Share: (Jan. 30-31)
All teens that are planning on going to Dare 2 Share need to get their money and permission slips in by Wednesday, January 7th. Please make checks out to Greenville Grace. There will be an informational meeting for parents Wed. January 21st @ 6 PM. Please see Matt if you have any questions or email him at: matt@greenvillegrace.org.

Men’s Ministry--Starting February 9th, we will be launching a new aspect of our Men's Ministry. Come join with other men, every other Monday night, for a study of the Book of Romans as well as a time of equipping to better serve our wife, children and our church. Keep your eyes open for more details to come!

Women’s Study--Starting February 19, we will be studying, “Becoming God’s True Woman” by Nancy Demoss and “Feminine Appeal” by Carolyn Mahaney. Both books have similar topics and compliment each other. You will be contacted for cost of class. Go by table in narthex to sign up. Deadline is January 4.

Attention Ladies--Overnight Retreat on April 17 & 18, at The Golden Eagle Retreat Center, Palestine, OH. See fliers on table in narthex for more details.

Elder Study--We will be offering another "Biblical Eldership Class" every other Monday night. Class will begin February 16th @ 7pm and will run through August 3rd. If you are interested, please fill out the tear off portion of the bulletin and place it in the offering, or on Sonda's desk.

Welcome to Grace--Are you interested in knowing more about Greenville Grace. Perhaps you've been coming for a while and would like to determine if Grace is your permanent home. Then we recommend the "Welcome to Grace" Class. This class will meet at 6:30pm on January 11, 18 & 25 (each class builds on another, so all three are necessary). If you would like to check out this class, please fill out the tear off portion of the bulletin and place it in the offering or on Sonda's desk.

Grace’s Snow Policy--Wondering what we will do in case of a major snowfall? Our current policy is, unless there is a Level 3 warning out (making it illegal to travel on the roads) we will meet here for those who can make it. If we make any changes or cancellations, we’ll do our best to get it posted on local media outlets, but a few little flurries aren’t going to scare us away. Besides, if we all got snowed in at the church, can you think of a better place to get stuck?

Life Groups--If you have not yet joined a LIFEGroup, now would be the perfect time to sign up. Groups will be starting up in full force again after the first of the year, and since we’ll be starting into a new book (Leviticus) it would be a perfect time to join in. If you are interested, simply tear off the portion in the bulletin and list your contact information and best available nights (anything but Monday or Saturday). Then, either place the sheet in the offering plate or place it on the main desk in the office. Someone will then contact you. It’s that easy!

Biblical Counseling--Would you like to be better prepared to give brothers/sisters in Christ Biblically sound advice? Would you like to search the Scriptures to help you weed out all the noise from a secular society? Would you like to grow in the knowledge of the Scriptures and gain the wisdom to see how it impacts your daily living? Steve Short at Beamsville Christian Church is offering an excellent class on Biblical Counseling. The class will meet every other Thursday evening, starting January 22nd. If you are interested, grab a brochure off the wooden table. Scholarships are available from our church to help offset cost. (Contact the church office if interested.)

Elder Leadership--As we mentioned in Sunday School about a month ago, the Scripture does not teach a distinction between elder and pastor. Therefore, it is our desire as elders to serve the church body as a team of pastors. Also, we realize that having two pastors (Jason Bradshaw & Matt Strader) who are not considered elders is probably inconsistent too. In order to be more Biblically consistent, we are presenting Matt and Jason before the church for “elder review.” Please examine 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 in light of their lives. Then, speak to an elder about their shepherding.

Baptism--We will be having a baptism celebration on January 25th. Please plan to join us to celebrate the work of Christ in the lives of people here at Grace!