Monday, November 9, 2009

Announcements for November 9-15

Baby Dedication--It was our joy to witness the dedication of two of Graces families. Gabrielle Wooten, daughter of Andy & Rachel Wooten and Pierce, Shakira and Morgan Denlinger, children of Cameron & Kyrston Denlinger.

"...Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day..."(Ps. 96:2)As you may have notice, we’ve been incorporating more video testimonies into our Sunday morning services. We will now be recording these on a regular basis. These testimonies are meant to be exalting to Christ and His work in us as believers. If you would like to share, please sign up for a time on the sign-up sheet in the narthex.

"Revealed" - Youth Fall Retreat (November 13-15)
There will be an informational meeting this Wednesday @ 6:00 PM for the Revealed Retreat! All teens going and at least one parent are encouraged to attend. If you are unable to make it, please contact Matt ( or contact the church office (547-0065)

Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm

Elevate--Wednesday, 7pm

Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am

Purchase your Thanksgiving dessert or baked good at the Women’s Ministry Baker’s Auction next Sunday, November 15, 6pm at Grace. If you have a baked good you specialize in, we need your help! Please donate your item to be auctioned off by signing-up in the narthex. Then bring your goodie Sunday, November 15 during 1st or 2nd service in a disposable container, ready to be auctioned away that evening. Proceeds will go to help cover the cost of the Women’s Ministry childcare expenses that can total $1680 per year.

Coffee Bar Help--The coffee bar ministry has an opening. If you would be interested in helping about once a month on Sunday mornings, or would like to be on a call list to help when needed, please contact Dane Ganger.

A Way To Serve: If you are willing to mow the yard next summer a few times or even once a month, please contact Rick Bohn or Jon Hein. The Building and Grounds team is going to take on this project in 2010.

Collecting Boxes for Operation Christmas Child- This year, we will be collecting shoeboxes filled with toys for Operation Christmas Child. The deadline for shoeboxes will be November 22nd. If you are not familiar with the ministry, pick up a brochure on the table in Narthex or call Pam Denniston with questions.

Communion: On November 22 @ 6:30pm, we will be celebrating the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection on behalf of our sins! If you know Christ as your Savior, we hope that you will join us for this beautiful service.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Announcements for Nov. 2-8

Coffee Bar Help--The coffee bar ministry has an opening. If you would be interested in helping about once a month on Sunday mornings, or would like to be on a call list to help when needed, please contact Dane Ganger.

A Way To Serve: If you are willing to mow the yard next summer a few times or even once a month, please contact Rick Bohn or Jon Hein. The Building and Grounds team is going to take on this project in 2010.

Collecting Boxes for Operation Christmas Child- This year, we will be collecting shoeboxes filled with toys for Operation Christmas Child. The deadline for shoeboxes will be November 22nd. If you are not familiar with the ministry, pick up a brochure on the table in Narthex or call Pam Denniston with questions.

Communion: On November 22 @ 6:30pm, we will be celebrating the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection on behalf of our sins! If you know Christ as your Savior, we hope that you will join us for this beautiful service.

Men’s Training--Please join us this Monday evening for our Men’s training. Study will begin promptly at 7:00 pm and will be followed by additional training on men's issues.

Elders Meeting--Monday, 8pm

Grace Moms--Wednesday, 9:30am

Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm

Elevate--Wednesday, 7pm

Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am

Men’s Fellowship--Men come join us this Saturday morning at 7am for our Men's Fellowship breakfast.

Purchase your Thanksgiving dessert or baked good at the Women’s Ministry Baker’s Auction Sunday, November 15, 6pm at Grace. If you have a baked good you specialize in, we need your help! Please donate your item to be auctioned off by signing-up in the narthex. Then bring your goodie Sunday, November 15 during 1st or 2nd service in a disposable container, ready to be auctioned away that evening. Proceeds will go to help cover the cost of the Women’s Ministry childcare expenses that can total $1680 per year.

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

3rd Quarter 09 GGB Finance Update: As of 3rd Quarter 2009, income is 4% under budget. Through careful stewardship, planned expenditures have been reduced or eliminated to a level of 6% below budget. YTD September 30, 2009 actual giving is $240,150 and expenses are $232,908. The balance outstanding on the building mortgage is $486,489. We have retired $42,548 of principal in 2009. The building mortgage was refinanced in October 2009 with a scheduled payoff in October 2024. However if we continue making the current payment, the projected payoff is in September 2017. If anyone has any questions and/or comments, please feel free to forward those to the office or speak to any of the following members of the finance team: Monty Stump, Jon Hein, Dennis Light, Linda Fourman or Katie McKee.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Announcements for Oct. 26-Nov.1

Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, November 1. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour.

A Way To Serve: If you are willing to mow the yard next summer a few times or even once a month, please contact Rick Bohn or Jon Hein. The Building and Grounds team is going to take on this project in 2010.

Ministry Partnership Opportunity--If you enjoy working with children and are available to serve on Wednesday nights, Bible Fellowship Church has extended an invitation to join them in serving their AWANA program. This opportunity is available to anyone at Greenville Grace, all you need is a recommendation letter from us and training from Bible Fellowship in the "Safe and Secure program" (a video course that can be done privately). If you have any further questions, either contact our office, or our brothers/sisters at Bible Fellowship (547.1952)

Collecting Boxes for Operation Christmas Child- This year, we will be collecting shoeboxes filled with toys for Operation Christmas Child. The deadline for shoeboxes will be November 22nd. If you are not familiar with the ministry, pick up a brochure on the table in Narthex or call Pam Denniston with questions.

Communion: On November 22 @ 6:30pm, we will be celebrating the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection on behalf of our sins! If you know Christ as your Savior, we hope that you will join us for this beautiful service.

Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm

Elevate--Wednesday, 7pm

Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am

Giving Envelopes--If you requested giving envelopes, stop by the table in back of auditorium to see if they are ready.

Women’s Fall Harvest Gathering—Ladies let’s gather together on Oct. 31 from 9:30-11:00am for fun, fellowship and food. Bring your favorite breakfast/brunch dish to share. Sign-up on table in narthex. Questions? Call Diana Manges or Linda Gibbons.

Purchase your Thanksgiving dessert or baked good at the Women’s Ministry Baker’s Auction Sunday, November 15, 6pm at Grace. If you have a baked good you specialize in, we need your help! Please donate your item to be auctioned off by signing-up in the narthex. Then bring your goodie Sunday, November 15 during 1st or 2nd service in a disposable container, ready to be auctioned away that evening. Proceeds will go to help cover the cost of the Women’s Ministry childcare expenses that can total $1680 per year.eautiful service.

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Announcements for Oct. 19-25

Blood Drive--Monday, Oct. 19 3-6:30pm, we currently have 38 time slots still available. Registration is not required but is suggested to help with schedules. To register, log into or simply call Cheryl Wysong @ 547-0792. If for some reason you are unable to donate at this time and would still like to be a part, we have a refreshment sign up sheet on the table in the foyer. Thanks for supporting this very worthy cause.

Ministry Partnership Opportunity--If you enjoy working with children and are available to serve on Wednesday nights, Bible Fellowship Church has extended an invitation to join them in serving their AWANA program. This opportunity is available to anyone at Greenville Grace, all you need is a recommendation letter from us and training from Bible Fellowship in the "Safe and Secure program" (a video course that can be done privately). If you have any further questions, either contact our office, or our brothers/sisters at Bible Fellowship (547.1952)

Collecting Boxes for Operation Christmas Child- This year, we will be collecting shoeboxes filled with toys for Operation Christmas Child. The deadline for shoeboxes will be November 22nd. If you are not familiar with the ministry, pick up a brochure on the table in Narthex or call Pam Denniston with questions.

Communion: On November 22 @ 6:30pm, we will be celebrating the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection on behalf of our sins! If you know Christ as your Savior, we hope that you will join us for this beautiful service.

Men’s Training--Please join us this Monday evening for our Men’s training. Study will begin promptly at 7:00 pm and will be followed by additional training on men's issues.

Elders Meeting--Monday, 8pm

Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm

Elevate--Wednesday, 7pm

Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am

Women’s Fall Harvest Gathering—Ladies let’s gather together on Oct. 31 from 9:30-11:00am for fun, fellowship and food. Bring your favorite breakfast/brunch dish to share. Sign-up on table in narthex. Questions? Call Diana Manges or Linda Gibbons.

Purchase your Thanksgiving dessert or baked good at the Women’s Ministry Baker’s Auction Sunday, November 15, 6pm at Grace. If you have a baked good you specialize in, we need your help! Please donate your item to be auctioned off by signing-up in the narthex. Then bring your goodie Sunday, November 15 during 1st or 2nd service in a disposable container, ready to be auctioned away that evening. Proceeds will go to help cover the cost of childcare expenses for the Women’s Ministry.

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Announcements for Oct. 12-18

Blood Drive--Monday, Oct. 19 3-6:30pm, we currently have 38 time slots still available. Registration is not required but is suggested to help with schedules. To register, log into or simply call cheryl wysong @ 547-0792. If for some reason you are unable to donate at this time and would still like to be a part, we have a refreshment sign up sheet on the table in the foyer. Thanks for supporting this very worthy cause.

Ministry Partnership Opportunity--If you enjoy working with children and are available to serve on Wednesday nights, Bible Fellowship Church has extended an invitation to join them in serving their AWANA program. This opportunity is available to anyone at Greenville Grace, all you need is a recommendation letter from us and training from Bible Fellowship in the "Safe and Secure program" (a video course that can be done privately). If you have any further questions, either contact our office, or our brothers/sisters at Bible Fellowship (547.1952)
Communion: On November 22 @ 6:30pm, we will be celebrating the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection on behalf of our sins! If you know Christ as your Savior, we hope that you will join us for this beautiful service.

Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm

Elevate--Wednesday, 7pm

Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am

Men’s Fellowship--Men come join us this Saturday morning at 7am for our Men's Fellowship breakfast

Men’s Backpacking Trip 2009--Come for a great time of fellowship with other men on October 22-25 at Red River Gorge, Kentucky. Cost is $35.00. Contact Jon Knight (467-4963) if you have any questions. Please sign up by today on the sheet in the narthex.

Women’s Fall Harvest Gathering—Ladies let’s gather together on Oct. 31 from 9:30-11:00am for fun, fellowship and food. Bring your favorite breakfast/brunch dish to share. Sign up on table in narthex. Questions? Call Diana Manges or Linda Gibbons.

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Announcements for Oct. 5-11

Grace Moms--Wednesday, 9:30am

Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm

Elevate--Wednesday, 7pm

Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am

Christmas musical--If your child is in the 1st-4th grade and would like a role in the musical, readings will take place Sunday October 11 during regular children's music time (12:00).

Blood Drive--October 19, 3:00-6:30pm here at Grace. You can go online to to register an appointment or call Cheryl Wysong @ 547-0792 if you need help registering. Appointments aren't necessary but are encouraged to reduce wait time. Guidelines for donating sometimes change so even if you have not been eligible to give in the past, please go online and see if giving is a possibility now. It's free, simple and you could save up to 3 lives with a single donation.

Ministry Partnership Opportunity--If you enjoy working with children and are available to serve on Wednesday nights, Bible Fellowship Church has extended an invitation to join them in serving their AWANA program. This opportunity is available to anyone at Greenville Grace, all you need is a recommendation letter from us and training from Bible Fellowship in the "Safe and Secure program" (a video course that can be done privately). If you have any further questions, either contact our office, or our brothers/sisters at Bible Fellowship (547.1952)

Men’s Backpacking Trip 2009--Come for a great time of fellowship with other men on October 22-25 at Red River Gorge, Kentucky. Cost is $35.00. Contact Jon Knight (467-4963) if you have any questions. Please sign up by October 11 on the sheet in the narthex.

Women’s Fall Harvest Gathering—Ladies let’s gather together on Oct. 31 from 9:30-11:00am for fun, fellowship and food. Bring your favorite breakfast/brunch dish to share. Sign up on table in narthex. Questions? Call Diana Manges or Linda Gibbons.

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference
: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Announcements for September 28-October 4

Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm

SHAKE--Wednesday, 7pm

Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am

Christmas musical--If your child is in the 1st-4th grade and would like a role in the musical, readings will take place Sunday October 11 during regular children's music time (12:00).

JOY Club--On Oct. 4th at 4pm, we will be having a hayride and bonfire at Mike & Linda Fourmans home. If you would like to carpool, meet at the church parking lot at 3:45pm. Bring a smile and dress warm.

Men’s Backpacking Trip 2009--Come for a great time of fellowship with other men on October 22-25 at Red River Gorge, Kentucky. Cost is $35.00. Contact Jon Knight (467-4963) if you have any questions. Please sign up by October 11 on the sheet in the narthex.

Women’s Fall Harvest Gathering—Ladies let’s gather together on Oct. 31 from 9:30-11:00am for fun, fellowship and food. Bring your favorite breakfast/brunch dish to share. Sign up on table in narthex. Questions? Call Diana Manges or Linda Gibbons.

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda G

Life Groups: If you were not involved in a group last year and would like to be, it is not too late to sign up. Simply fill out a sign up card on the table in the narthex and place it in the basket provided. Your group leader will be in touch with you within 2 weeks. If you were in a group last year (or led one), please fill out a card so that our records are up to date and a leader will be in touch with you to give you all the details of your new/old group. Thanks for considering participation in this vital Grace ministry. If you have questions about what LIFE Groups are or how they work, please contact Marshall Gipe @ 937.932.1991 hm, or

Grace is launching a new ministry specifically for college age adults (18-25). It is specifically designed for those who are out of high school and looking for a place to get connected at Grace. There will be an old, fashioned, fall kick-off party on October 4th at 7:00pm. Bring friends and any ideas, all college age adults are welcome. Keep your eyes open for more information to come!

MINISTRY PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY--If you enjoy working with children and are available to serve on Wednesday nights, Bible Fellowship Church has extended an invitation to join them in serving their AWANA program. This opportunity is available to anyone at Greenville Grace, all you need is a recommendation letter from us and training from Bible Fellowship in the "Safe and Secure program" (a video course that can be done privately). If you have any further questions, either contact our office, or our brothers/sisters at Bible Fellowship (547.1952)ibbons for further details.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Announcements for Sept. 21-27

Life Groups: If you were not involved in a group last year and would like to be, it is not too late to sign up. Simply fill out a sign up card on the table in the narthex and place it in the basket provided. Your group leader will be in touch with you within 2 weeks. If you were in a group last year (or led one), please fill out a card so that our records are up to date and a leader will be in touch with you to give you all the details of your new/old group. Thanks for considering participation in this vital Grace ministry. If you have questions about what LIFE Groups are or how they work, please contact Marshall Gipe @ 937.932.1991 hm, or

Do you have a family member on active-duty in the military? We would like to put together a list so that as a church, we might be in prayer for these brave men and women. Please contact Jeni Berger at 548-2253 or We would also like a picture of your loved one if available.

Grace is launching a new ministry specifically for college age adults (18-25). It is specifically designed for those who are out of high school and looking for a place to get connected at Grace. There will be an old, fashioned, fall kick-off party on October 4th at 7:00pm. Bring friends and any ideas, all college age adults are welcome. Keep your eyes open for more information to come!

Grace Info. Update--We are in the process of updating our computer records. If you have not filled out the tear-off portion of bulletin, we would greatly appreciate your assistance.

Men’s Training--Please join us this Monday evening for our Men’s training. Study will begin promptly at 7:00 pm and will be followed by additional training on men's issues.

Elders Meeting--Monday, 8pm

Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm

SHAKE--Wednesday, 7pm

Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am

JOY Club--On Oct. 4th at 4pm, we will be having a hayride and bonfire at Mike & Linda Fourmans home. If you would like to carpool, meet at the church parking lot at 3:45pm. Bring a smile and dress warm.

Men’s Backpacking Trip 2009--Come for a great time of fellowship with other men on October 22-25 at Red River Gorge, Kentucky. Cost is $35.00. Contact Jon Knight (467-4963) if you have any questions. Please sign up by October 11 on the sheet in the narthex.

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Announcements for Sept. 14-20

Mike & Carrie Gallagher: It is our privilege to announce that Mike and Carrie Gallagher have been received into membership at Greenville Grace. It is our joy to have the Gallaghers in our body, committed to growing at Grace and serving our Body. Please take the opportunity to welcome the Gallaghers and celebrate with us!

Life Groups: LIFE Groups are beginning this coming week. If you were not involved in a group last year and would like to be, it is not too late to sign up. Simply fill out a sign up card on the table in the narthex and place it in the basket provided. Your group leader will be in touch with you within 2 weeks. If you were in a group last year (or led one), please fill out a card so that our records are up to date and a leader will be in touch with you to give you all the details of your new/old group. Thanks for considering participation in this vital Grace ministry. If you have questions about what LIFE Groups are or how they work, please contact Marshall Gipe @ 937.932.1991 hm, or

Do you have a family member on active-duty in the military? We would like to put together a list so that as a church, we might be in prayer for these brave men and women. Please contact Jeni Berger at 548-2253 or We would also like a picture of your loved one if available.

Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm

SHAKE--Wednesday, 7pm

Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am

Men’s Fellowship--Men come join us this Saturday morning at 7am for our Men's Fellowship breakfast

Sharing Grace 4th Annual Fall Benefit--Come join us on Saturday, September 19. The day starts with a Kiddie Tractor Pull, and ends with a Spaghetti Dinner that night. Come help us raise support for the St Clair Family, missionaries to Mexico. This is a fun day of activities for the whole family. Please see Jeff and Tammy Dietrich for more information or call them at 564.1100. The event is held at 5693 Hogpath Rd. We hope to see you there.

JOY Club--Save a date for September 20th, details to come.

Men’s Backpacking Trip 2009--Come for a great time of fellowship with other men on October 22-25 at Red River Gorge, Kentucky. Cost is $35.00. Contact Jon Knight (467-4963) if you have any questions. Please sign up by October 11 on the sheet in the narthex.

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jordan Baker Testimony

The following was Jordan Baker's testimony he gave before his baptism:
I thank God every day for what he has done for us. As it says in John 3:16 “for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” I have realized that I have sinned and fallen short of God’s will. So I have turned my life over to Jesus that he can change me into someone that would please the Father, but this is only possible because Jesus died for me and took the punishment for my sins. By this I can have the hope of eternal life.
I accepted the lord into my life at the beginning of April last year. I was raised in a Christian home. My mom has been a really good example for me. I want to thank her for being there for me and staying strong through what ever life brings. I also want to thank my dad for also being there for me during some tough times. I pray for my parents that they can teach me what I need to know for battles that I will face during my life.
Before I committed my life to Jesus it was like the Bible says in John 3:20 “ for everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.” I now want to be able to be held accountable for my actions by my family and the church.
I now hold God in the center of my life. “But you, o Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the one who lifts my head.” Psalm 3:3. I am thankful that “blessed are those lawless deeds have been forgiven, and whose sins have been covered.” Romans 4:17. This is where I find my strength in the Lord, and wish to live my life in an everlasting relationship with the lord. I pray that this would be the will for all of Gods people, and that I can be a light and example to those around me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Great Interview

This interview is so worth your read!

Announcements for Sept. 7-13

Fall Schedule - Service times starting September 13th
1st Service: 8:30 am Nursery for infant -3 years
Sunday School: 10:00 am for all ages
2nd Service: 11:00 am Nursery and Children’s Church
(4 yrs. - 4th grade)

Life Groups: LIFE Groups are beginning this coming week. If you were not involved in a group last year and would like to be, it is not too late to sign up. Simply fill out a sign up card on the table in the narthex and place it in the basket provided. Your group leader will be in touch with you within 2 weeks. If you were in a group last year (or led one), please fill out a card so that our records are up to date and a leader will be in touch with you to give you all the details of your new/old group. Thanks for considering participation in this vital Grace ministry. If you have questions about what LIFE Groups are or how they work, please contact Marshall Gipe @ 937.932.1991 hm, or

Sharing Grace 4th annual Fall Benefit is on Saturday, September 19. The day starts with a Kiddie Tractor Pull, and ends with a Spaghetti Dinner that night. Come help us raise support for the St Clair Family, missionaries to Mexico. This is a fun day of activities for the whole family. Please see Jeff and Tammy Dietrich for more information or call them at 564.1100. The event is held at 5693 Hogpath Rd. We hope to see you there.

Do you have a family member on active-duty in the military? We would like to put together a list so that as a church, we might be in prayer for these brave men and women. Please contact Jeni Berger with this information 548-2253 or We would also like a picture of your loved one if available.

Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm

SHAKE--Wednesday, 7pm

Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am

Youth Bonfire--Youth come join us this Friday night, September 11 at the Light’s home for a great time of fellowship, food and games. The time is from 7-11pm.

JOY Club--Save a date for September 20th, details to come.

Men’s Backpacking Trip 2009--Come for a great time of fellowship with other men on October 22-25 at Red River Gorge, Kentucky. Cost is $35.00. Contact Jon Knight (467-4963) if you have any questions. Please sign up by October 11 on the sheet in the narthex.

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference
: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Note from Tim Wolfe

Tim sent the following note from SCORE Board meetings this week:
We are in Chattanooga, TN at the annual SCORE staff conference. Staff members are giving reports of last years successes as God has moved mightily in the Dominican Republic.

We had over 3300 people on mission trips in the DR the last 12 months. We are told that over 3,000 have already signed up for the next year to come on mission for a week.

There were 5 new churches planted this last year. Four new church buildings were constructed. One village church has 300 people attending service in their new building which was built by a church group from the U.S on a construction mission.

There were over 1200 athletes who visited the DR last year, over 400 who came to work in medical missions and another 2000 doing evangelism through programs that they developed to fit their group talents.

This next season will be a big year for baseball camps at the new SCORE Highlands sports complex in Boca Chica; we are expecting around 4,000 kids will attend baseball and soccer clinics in the next year.

As you can see, God is working and we are glad to be a part of sharing in the work.

Please check out the SCORE ministry at

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Note from Bob Nilsen

Bob sent the following challenge/encouragement via email today:
What is ministry? The last time I asked this question I concluded ministry is love, ministry is people. But that is but one perspective. Please consider ministry from a different perspective.

Gallareta is a small place. A village in the sugar cane harvesting area in the southeast of the Dominican Republic. A hamlet really. A few cinderblock row houses built by the Dominican government possibly 50 years ago as ‘free’ housing for those who worked in the cane fields. It lies at the end of a long dirt road-- a very long dirt road. Nearly impassable in heavy rains. There are no wells in this village. Little fresh water, almost no shade. There is evidence of a once thriving village. A long time ago. Now there are just crumbing processing buildings and a few row houses left. Maybe 100 people all together. Perhaps less. Gallareta is a dirty place with lots of dust.

Pastor Manny pastored a church in a neighboring village maybe 5 km distant. He had begun to witness in this village in 2004 in an attempt to plant a new church. In order to assist Manny in this work we began taking medical teams to Gallareta to draw a crowd and demonstrate the love of Christ in a tangible way, even as Jesus went ’preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing the sick’. The only building available at the time was a bar. It had two doors and no windows. The one wall and roof were metal sheeting. With permission we kicked out several panels and opened the doors. A couple of local women picked up what amounted to several cases of beer bottles and swept out the building. It was like an oven. The temperature was well over a hundred and ten. We were baked all day.

We began by preaching the gospel before we started the clinic. The medical team we had with us from Florida had brought an evangelist who preached one on one throughout the day as well. His name was Ted, a radiological technician.

Just before noon we began hearing singing from outside. The scene we discovered would melt your heart. Ted had been sharing with everyone in the waiting line. We figured everyone heard the gospel 3 or 4 times. It seems two teen men trusted Christ as Savior. They immediately ran across the street and began pulling their friends out of their houses to hear this glorious Good News of a risen Savior. Pastor Manny then began teaching them hymns to sing ~~ these were the hymns we were hearing inside the clinic. There were many professions of faith that day.

Some weeks later I showed a gospel film against the wall of a crumbling processing building-- more conversions.

Several weeks later Pastor Manny was showing me a new ’back route’ to his church, which ran thru Gallareta. I was going to preach in Manny's church that day. The road was nearly impassable and I had to switch our Explorer to 4x4 just to get thru. But on the way, we came upon 12 persons of all ages walking down the road (path really). Manny asked who they were? We discovered to our amazement that they were from Gallareta and were walking to Consuelito to Manny’s church for services! Manny and I were both astonished at their desire to worship. They were walking about 5 km to attend church! Yes, we did fit all 14 of us into the Explorer!

As the ministry developed in Gallareta, Manny began calling to check on Anita, one of the ladies who trusted Christ, who was having health problems. I treated her for various apparently minor problems over the course of several months. Later I referred her to a local hospital where they could do more advanced testing and diagnosis. As the Lord would have it, she died within a year. In her unsaved life she had contracted AIDS back in Haiti. However, after trusting Christ, she radiated a shining Christian character to her last days here on this earth. I knew I would see my sister Anita in heaven.

Manny began ministering in another area and Nate and Erica took over the ministry in Gallareta. We continued to take med teams to Gallareta while other missionaries took teams that fed the village, along with other types of ministries. Nate and Erica ministered weekly to the men, women, and children faithfully at Gallareta. A small open walled church now sits there for the people of that village to worship in thanks to the faithful construction ministry of believers in W. Virginia..

I guess ministry is a place too, at the end of a long, long dirt road --because God is there.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Announcements for Aug. 31-Sept. 6

SHAKE: Wednesday night at 7pm

Fall Bible Study--Ladies, the Beth Moore study on Daniel will be starting this week. The evening study on Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 pm and the morning study on Thursday, from 9:30-11:30am.

Men’s Fellowship--Men come join us this Saturday morning at 7am for our Men's Fellowship breakfast

Youth Bonfire--Youth come join us Friday night, September 11 at the Light’s home for a great time of fellowship, food and games. The time is 7-11pm.

Counseling Ministry: If you are interested in helping others through difficult issues, so that they can see a answer from the Bible and know Christ more deeply, Steve Short is offering a counseling class our church highly recommends. There are brochures out on the wooden table, or you call call Pastor Steve (547-0009) for more information. (Contact the office to find out about scholarships available to Grace members.)

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

Fall 2009 Life Groups: We’re gearing up for LIFE Groups to start the week of September 7-13, 2009. We ask that everyone interested in participating in our studies of Ecclesiastes and Matthew would sign up ASAP to allow us to better administrate the logistics of leadership and participant placement. To sign up, simply fill out a sign up card on the table in the narthex and place it in one of the baskets provided. Even if you were in a group last year (or led one), please fill out a card so that our records are up to date. Thanks in advance for your participation in this vital Grace ministry. If you have questions about what LIFE Groups are or how they work, please contact Marshall Gipe @ 937.932.1991 hm, or

Do you have a family member on active-duty in the military? We would like to put together a list so that as a church, we might be in prayer for these brave men and women. Please contact Jeni Berger with this information 548-2253 or We would also like a picture of your loved one if available.

*Fall Schedule - Service times starting September 13th*
1st Service: 8:30 am Nursery for infant - 3 years
Sunday School: 10:00 am all ages
2nd Service: 11:00 am Nursery and Children’s Church
(4 yrs. - 4th grade)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

HFW: 1 Corinthians 5:1-13

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This final week (10), the last reading is 1 Corinthians 5:1-13. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. Should immorality be found within the church?
    2. Should we be surprised when immorality is found in the world?
    3. Should we disassociate with immoral unbelievers?
    4. How should we respond to immorality in the church?
    5. How is this an act of grace?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

HFW: Galatians 6:6-10

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This final week (10), the third reading is Galatians 6:6-10. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. When we learn from the Word, what should be a part of our response?
    2. How can our actions affect our circumstances?
    3. Why is it tempting to lose heart in doing good?
    4. In what way should we sow?
    5. Who should we seek to do good for, even beyond all people?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

HFW: Hebrews 10:23-25

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This final week (10), the second reading is Hebrews 10:23-25. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. How is our faith displayed as genuine?
    2. In what ways do we show brotherly love to one another?
    3. How should we invest in one another?
    4. How should we pursue unity?
    5. How will this help us overcome evil with good?

Monday, August 24, 2009

HFW: Romans 12:9-21

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This final week (10), the first reading is Romans 12:9-21. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. How is our faith displayed as genuine?
    2. In what ways do we show brotherly love to one another?
    3. How should we invest in one another?
    4. How should we pursue unity?
    5. How will this help us overcome evil with good?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

HFW: 1 Peter 4:7-11

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (9), the final reading is 1 Peter 4:7-11. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. Why should we be of sound judgment?
    2. What should we pursue above all other things?
    3. How does exercising your gift show good stewardship?
    4. How should each person serve?
    5. What is the end result?

Friday, August 21, 2009

HFW: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (9), the third reading is 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. What is 1 Corinthians 12 about? What is 1 Corinthians 14 about? How should this inform the topic of 13?
    2. How can a lack of love invalidate your gifts?
    3. What doesn’t love look like?
    4. How does love show maturity?
    5. When will we know fully?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

HFW: 1 Corinthians 12:12-26

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (9), the first reading is 1 Corinthians 12:12-26. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. How is every believer unified?
    2. How is a physical body like the church body?
    3. How are all gifts equally valuable?
    4. What happens in a church that only values certain gifts or certain people?
    5. How can we show honor to all members and gifts?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hey, We Know that Guy

The following picture was tweeted by a pastor at The Village. (A good church you should check out.)

[If you don't recognize the man in the picture, it is Bill. He and his wife attended Grace before moving to Dallas.]

HFW: Romans 12:1-8

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (9), the first reading is Romans 12:1-8. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. How are the mercies of God central to our ability to worship?
    2. How is humility critical in the life of the church?
    3. What is our relationship to one another?
    4. Why has God given different gifts?
    5. How should one exercise his/her spiritual gifts?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Book Suggestions

Sunday, I mentioned a couple of books that can help you be a good theologian. The two I mentioned were:

Cat & Dog Theology
Rethinking Our Relationship with Our Master

Systematic Theology
An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine

Of course, nothing is better than the Bible, and it should be your primary source. I've mentioned before, this is the best Study Bible on the planet (in my opinion):

ESV Study Bible

And the Bible I preach from is a New American Standard Bible (Updated)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Announcements for Aug. 17-23

HELP, WE'RE A LITTLE CROWDED! Have you noticed that empty seats are a little hard to come by in second service? There are some things you can do to help us make room:

1. Join us for first service. Our 9:00AM service is the same as our 10:15AM service. If you do not need to take advantage of our Children's Church ministry (4 years - 4th grade), would you consider joining us for the first service?

2. Sit toward the middle of a row. Everyone feels self-conscious when you are walking in later, let alone if a chair is hard to come by. If available seats are visible on the aisles, it helps everyone feel more comfortable. No need to save empty seats between you and the family beside you...we're here to worship together!

3. Share a seat with your kid. Since the children leave for Children's Church during the sermon, most of their time with you in the service is spent standing. Could you share a seat with them and simply have them stand in front of you or even on the seat with you?

4. Pray about church planting / church satellite options. Perhaps God desires we plant a church with a significant number of our current people? Will you join us in praying for God's wisdom in regard to future plants? Will you pray that God would raise up church planters from Grace? Would you pray, that if His will, God would move your heart to participate in a church plant?

Parents Of Three Year Olds & Younger--Because we want you to be able to enjoy and focus during our worship service, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of our nursery ministry. Nursery workers will be delighted to help care for your little one, and even provide a pager for you in case your assistance is needed. Your child will be well cared for while you (and those seated around you) will be able to focus on the service.
SHAKE: Wednesday night at 7pm

Counseling Ministry: If you are interested in helping others through difficult issues, so that they can see a answer from the Bible and know Christ more deeply, Steve Short is offering a counseling class our church highly recommends. There are brochures out on the wooden table, or you call call Pastor Steve (547-0009) for more information. (Contact the office to find out about scholarships available to Grace members.)

Fall Bible Study: Ladies, starting the first week of September, we will be doing a 12-week Beth Moore study on Daniel. The evening study will start Wednesday, Sept. 2 from 6:30-8:30. The morning study will start Thursday, Sept. 3 from 9:30-11:30. Go by the table in narthex to sign-up. There will be a $10.00 childcare fee regardless of the number of children you have. This will help cover some of the cost for the childcare workers.

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010: Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

Fall 2009 Life Groups: We’re gearing up for LIFE Groups to start the week of September 7-13, 2009. We ask that everyone interested in participating in our studies of Ecclesiastes and Matthew would sign up ASAP to allow us to better administrate the logistics of leadership and participant placement. To sign up, fill out a sign up card on the table in narthex and place it in one of the baskets provided. Even if you were in a group last year (or led one), please fill out a card so that our records are up to date. Thanks in advance for your participation in this vital Grace ministry. If you have questions about what LIFE Groups are or how they work, please contact Marshall Gipe @ 937.932.1991 hm, or

Thursday, August 13, 2009

HFW: Hebrews 5:11-14

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (8), the final reading is Hebrews 5:11-14. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. Why couldn’t the author of Hebrews share what he wanted?
    2. What is the author of Hebrews expectation for his audience?
    3. What happens to one who doesn’t grow?
    4. What must the author of Hebrews teach his readers?
    5. What will learning good doctrine equip someone to do?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

HFW: 2 Peter 3:14-18

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (8), the third reading is 2 Peter 3:14-18. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. How does Peter say we should act?
    2. How do some people respond to Paul’s writings?
    3. Is everything Paul writes easy to understand? Does this mean we shouldn’t study it?
    4. How should we respond to false teachers?
    5. How does doctrine impact our walk?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

HFW: 1 Timothy 4:1-6

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (8), the second reading is 1 Timothy 4:1-6. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. What is the source of the falling away?
    2. What actions come from poor theology?
    3. How can good doctrine impact the way you view God’s provision?
    4. How are things sanctified?
    5. How is Titus a good servant?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Announcements for Aug. 10-16

2nd Quarter 2009 GGB Finance Update: The Pastors/Elders and Finance Team in attempt to keep the body informed will on a quarterly basis report key aspects of the finances. As of 2nd Quarter 2009, within the General Fund, the giving has kept pace with our expenses. YTD June 30, 2009 actual giving was $154,872 and the expenses were $156,700. The balance outstanding on the building mortgage as of June 30th is $499,774. The initial amount of the loan in October 2004 was $750,000. Since then we have retired $250,226 in principal which includes $29,264 in principal retirement for 2009. If anyone has any questions and/or comment, please feel free to forward those to the office or speak to any of the following members of the finance team: Monty Stump, Jon Hein, Dennis Light, Linda Fourman or Katie McKee.

Men’s Training--Please join us this Monday evening for our Men’s training. Study will begin promptly at 7:00 pm and will be followed by additional training on men's issues.

Elders Meeting--Monday night at 8pm.

SHAKE-- Wednesday night at 7pm

Men’s Fellowship--Men come join us this Saturday morning at 7am for our Men's Fellowship breakfast

Communion: On August 16th @ 6:30pm, we will be celebrating the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection on behalf of our sins! If you know Christ as your Savior, we hope that you will join us for this beautiful service.

Fall 2009 Life Groups: Even though the heat of summer isn’t yet by us (or even here for that matter), we’re starting to gear up for LIFE Groups to start the week of September 7-13, 2009. We would love it if everyone interested in participating in our studies of Ecclesiastes and Matthew would sign up by Sunday, August 9th. Do to so, fill out a sign up card on the table in the narthex (or here at the park) and place it in one of the baskets provided. Even if you were in a group last year (or led one), please fill out a card so that our records are up to date. Thanks in advance for your participation in this vital Grace ministry. If you have questions about what LIFE Groups are or how they work, please contact Marshall Gipe @ 937.932.1991 hm, or

Upcoming Ladies Events

Fall Bible Study--Ladies, starting the first week of September, we will be doing a 12-week Beth Moore study on Daniel. The morning study will start Sept. 3 from 9:30-11:30 with childcare available and the pm study will start Sept. 2 from 6:30-8:30. There will be NO childcare available for the night study. Go by the table in narthex to sign-up. There will be a $10.00 childcare fee regardless of the number of children you have. This will help cover some of the cost for the childcare workers.

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

HFW: Titus 2:1-10

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (8), the first reading is Titus 2:1-10. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. How should Titus evaluate the quality of his words?
    2. What kinds of people are addressed in this passage?
    3. How can doctrine impact all of their actions?
    4. What is purity in doctrine?
    5. What should our faith reveal?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

HFW: Ephesians 5:22-33

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (7), the last reading is Ephesians 5:22-33. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. What is the Standard for a husband?
    2. What is the Standard for a wife?
    3. What is it that Christ does for His church?
    4. How does Christ cleanse us?
    5. How does our marriage impact our witness?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

HFW: Galatians 2:11-21

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (7), the third reading is Galatians 2:11-21. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. How did Paul rebuke Peter?
    2. What was Peter’s sin?
    3. Why is this such a big deal?
    4. How is the gospel message affected by his actions?
    5. How should the gospel motivate the way we live?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

HFW: Galatians 6:1-5

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (7), the first reading is Galatians 6:1-5. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. What should your attitude be if approaching a brother?
    2. How can I be especially vulnerable to pride?
    3. What is the law of Christ?
    4. How do you examine your own work?
    5. Who will ultimately answer for your walk?

Monday, August 3, 2009

HFW: Matthew 18:15-20

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (7), the first reading is Matthew 18:15-20. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. What is the reason for a loving confrontation?
    2. How should I approach the person at first?
    3. What does the passage mean by “witnesses?” Do they need to have seen the sin too?
    4. What happens if the person does not respond?
    5. What does it mean to gather in His name?

Announcements for Aug. 3-9

Grace Moms: If you have children ages 0 - 6 and would like to be involved in Grace Moms this year, sign up by filling out the tear-off portion of your bulletin and putting it in the offering plate this Sunday through August 3rd. We meet the first Wednesday of every month, beginning in September. See Charity Wright or Rachel Wooten for more information.

Fall 2009 Life Groups: Even though the heat of summer isn’t yet by us (or even here for that matter), we’re starting to gear up for LIFE Groups to start the week of September 7-13, 2009. We would love it if everyone interested in participating in our studies of Ecclesiastes and Matthew would sign up by Sunday, August 9th. Do to so, fill out a sign up card on the table in the narthex (or here at the park) and place it in one of the baskets provided. Even if you were in a group last year (or led one), please fill out a card so that our records are up to date. Thanks in advance for your participation in this vital Grace ministry. If you have questions about what LIFE Groups are or how they work, please contact Marshall Gipe @ 937.932.1991 hm, or

SHAKE: Wednesday night at 7pm

Communion: On August 16th @ 6:30pm, we will be celebrating the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection on behalf of our sins! If you know Christ as your Savior, we hope that you will join us for this beautiful service.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

HFW: Romans 10:8-17

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (6), the final reading is Romans 10:8-17. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. What was the message Paul had been preaching?
    2. What role does ethnicity play in coming to know Christ?
    3. How central is hearing the gospel to becoming saved?
    4. What is our role for others to hear the gospel?
    5. What does God use to generate faith?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

HFW: Romans 11:11-15

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (6), the third reading is Romans 11:11-15. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. How has the Jewish rejection of Jesus resulted in our hearing the gospel?
    2. Though Paul is an apostle to the Gentiles, what was his attitude toward Israel?
    3. Who was Paul primarily speaking to with the book of Romans?
    4. What is being accomplished by this message?
    5. How could this result in Jewish salvation?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

HFW: Acts 1:6-8

We're working through a study this summer to celebrate Ephesians 3:10:
So that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

This series will run from June 22-August 30, with four readings per week.

This week (6), the second reading is Acts 1:6-8. After reading this text, answer the following questions, then you can watch the video for a 5:00 thought from the text. (I recommend you work in the text first before watching the video. However, be aware, the video is not intended to be the back of an algebra book--supplying answers to the questions--but rather, is just sharing some thoughts from the text.)

    1. What were the disciples looking for from Jesus?
    2. What does Jesus say in regard to establishing the kingdom?
    3. Where will their power come from?
    4. How will the message be spread?
    5. To what are they witnesses?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Announcements for July 27-August 2

Praise in the Park--Please join us next Sunday for our Praise in the Park service at 10am at the park bandshell. We will have a special time of commissioning, immediately following the morning service.

Communion--On August 16th @ 6:30pm, we’ll be celebrating the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection on behalf of our sins! If you know Christ as your Savior, we hope that you will join us for this beautiful service.

Grace Moms--"If you have children ages 0 - 6 and would like to be involved in Grace Moms this year, sign up by filling out the tear-off portion of your bulletin and putting it in the offering plate this Sunday through August 3rd. We meet the first Wednesday of every month, beginning in September. See Charity Wright or Rachel Wooten for more information.

Summer Studies--Tonight at 6:30pm

Men’s Training--Please be sure to join us this Monday evening. Study will begin promptly at 7:00 pm and will be followed by additional training on men's issues.

Elders Meeting--Tomorrow night at 8pm.

Women’s Summer Study--Wednesday at 9:30 (am study)

SHAKE--Wednesday night at 7pm.

Youth Bonfire--Youth come join us Friday night, July 31st at the Sower’s home for a great time of fellowship, food and games. The time is 7-11pm.

Youth Mission Trip Informational Meeting-Sunday, August 2nd, 5:30 PM We will be having an informational meeting about the upcoming Youth Mission trip (August 6th-10th). All Teens going on the trip and at least one parent (if possible) are asked to attend. Please let Matt know if you have a time conflict.

Men’s Fellowship--Men come join us this Saturday morning. Breakfast will be served at 7 am and our study will follow.