Monday, March 10, 2008

Announcements for March 9-16-08

Communion--We will be celebrating our salvation (past, present and future!) in Jesus Christ during our Communion Service, “Good Friday” evening at 7pm. If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, please make effort to attend this important service with us and use this service as a reminder to confess your sins to the Lord and come before Him with a pure heart. If you do not know Christ as your Savior, you are welcome to join us for the evening, but we ask you simply observe, rather than participate.

Baptism--We have a wonderful opportunity to join with other churches in the community for a corporate baptism service (see insert). If you desire to confess and proclaim Jesus Christ as your Savior, baptism is one form which He has commanded. If you have professed Christ as your Savior but have not obeyed Him in baptism, we urge you to strongly consider why not? If you are interested in being baptized, or would like to talk with someone further about why you should consider baptism, please call the office (547-0065) to arrange an appointment.

March Schedule--to help you keep track of LIFE Group Studies and know what to look forward
to: March 9--1 John 4:7-10
March 16--Guest Speaker, Pastor Doug Strader
March 23---Resurrection Sunday (special “Children’s Service” for Sunday School)
March 30--1 John 4:11-14

Women’s Ministry

Unlimited Fun Outing for Your Unfinished Originals
March 28, April 25--6:30 pm - 10:30 pm
See brochure on table in Narthex for more details.

Women’s Bible Study
Beth Moore - Stepping Up (Psalm 120-134)
Monday Evenings, March 10 - April 21 @ 6:30 pm
Thursday Mornings, March 13 - April 24

Young Mothers Group: (Mothers of children 5 and under).
Wednesday, March 12th @ 9:30 am
“Godly Parenting in a Godless Society”
Panel Discussion

Elder Candidate: The elders would like to submit Monty Stump to the body as an elder candidate. Monty has completed the required “Elder Leadership Study” and has spent several meetings with the elders. Several months ago, Monty informed the elder team that he believed he was being called to serve the church through elder leadership. He has submitted to a doctrinal examination and has submitted references for his character. Therefore, we asking the Body to join us in the examination process. Please:

    1. Read and be familiar with the qualifications for elder leadership (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).
    2. If you don’t know Monty, take opportunity to introduce yourself. Join us next week for Sunday School so that you can hear him share his heart from the Word.
    3. If you have concerns about Monty’s Biblical qualification, or if you would like to confirm that you see Monty’s calling to elder leadership, please contact one of the current elders.

(Dan Berger, Jack Sloat, Brian Reifsnider, Bill Sowers, Danny Wright)

Learning to Discern: Looking for a good book to read that is faithful to the Spirit of Christ? Sometimes the options seem overwhelming and a recommendation would go a long way. Did you know that this is one of the things our blog offers? Check out to get book recommendations, church updates and additional information. You can also find the blog by following the link from our main website (

Attention grades 3-6: We will be attending “Junior Jam” at Cedarville University on Saturday, April 12. Cost per child $10. See Diana Manges or Jeni Berger for more information. Sign up deadline is March 30.

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