Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nilsen's Update

Received the following via email from Bob:

Dear Friends and Family,

Our Lord has been doing great things these past couple of months. January saw great faith expressed from the northern parts of the States. The Chapel from Buffalo, NY sent down, not one, but two medical teams. Each team included an evangelistic team as well. This group of believers has really caught the vision of our medical evangelism ministry here in the DR. Although we are trying to bring good medical care to the people here in the DR, our primary purpose is to bring the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ to the needy people here. We visited many new locations for our ministry. There are now multiple new church partners in and around San Pedro de Macoris that we will be ministering with in the future. These churches were very encouraged by the inclusion of spiritual ministry along with the physical ministry we are bringing.

Our long time friends from Antioch Baptist of WV also came and helped us open up some of these new ministry areas. They re-enforced our important ministry of encouraging the saints and reaching the lost for Jesus in towns and villages.

Steve and Jan Brazeau brought a small but powerful group of believers to minister with their dental/medical team in locations from Santo Domingo (the capital) to small villages in the eastern part of the country. Steve and Jan also bring a Spanish pastor who leads in evangelism every day. What a blessing to see the people respond to the straight forward preaching of the Word of God.

Grace Chapel from NC comes the same time every year. Their faithfulness brings healing to many through their surgical team and village medical team. Union University also partnered with the Brazeau's and Grace Chapel to make for a dynamic week of ministry. One day at the San Pedro Fire Dept.'s new building the chief of all the fireman in the DR showed up to thank us for our ministry both spiritually and physically. (I'm actually an honorary Lt. Coronel in the San Pedro Fire Dept.!!) Pastor Aby (another Score missionary here) and I attended the dedication of the building the first week of January with a couple of other members of The Chapel from Buffalo, NY. We were able to share the riches of Christ with the entire Fire Dept! Grace also brought 'a wandering evangelist' with them. This dear brother walked the streets and went house to house with a translator preaching Jesus.

All in all we saw 4,435 patients. This does not include approximately 40 surgeries at the hospital in La Romana! We have also been able to partner with 20 churches so far this year!! Spiritually we saw 802 persons profess faith in Christ. All with a local pastor to follow them up!

Aby Prado and family have come from Costa Rica to plant churches here with Score in the DR. Anna and I are teaming up with them to cooperate in his evangelistic efforts and draw crowds to preach to! Aby is pastoring our new bi-lingual church in Juan Dolio and I am teaching the English Bible Class.

Anna continues to give direction to the pharmacy and thus is an invaluable aid to me in clinic and ministry operations. She has also begun distance learning classes and is enjoying them immensely.

Praise the Lord for our ministry partners Tim and Evelyn Wolfe and their faithful ministry to the Lord here.

What a joy to see our Lord saving souls and building churches.

In Christ,

Bob and Anna Nilsen

For more information, see: SCORE

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