Praise in the Park--Please join us next Sunday for our Praise in the Park service at 10am at the park bandshell. We will have a special time of commissioning, immediately following the morning service.
Communion--On August 16th @ 6:30pm, we’ll be celebrating the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection on behalf of our sins! If you know Christ as your Savior, we hope that you will join us for this beautiful service.
Communion--On August 16th @ 6:30pm, we’ll be celebrating the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection on behalf of our sins! If you know Christ as your Savior, we hope that you will join us for this beautiful service.
Grace Moms--"If you have children ages 0 - 6 and would like to be involved in Grace Moms this year, sign up by filling out the tear-off portion of your bulletin and putting it in the offering plate this Sunday through August 3rd. We meet the first Wednesday of every month, beginning in September. See Charity Wright or Rachel Wooten for more information.
Summer Studies--Tonight at 6:30pm
Men’s Training--Please be sure to join us this Monday evening. Study will begin promptly at 7:00 pm and will be followed by additional training on men's issues.
Elders Meeting--Tomorrow night at 8pm.
Women’s Summer Study--Wednesday at 9:30 (am study)
SHAKE--Wednesday night at 7pm.
Youth Bonfire--Youth come join us Friday night, July 31st at the Sower’s home for a great time of fellowship, food and games. The time is 7-11pm.
Youth Mission Trip Informational Meeting-Sunday, August 2nd, 5:30 PM We will be having an informational meeting about the upcoming Youth Mission trip (August 6th-10th). All Teens going on the trip and at least one parent (if possible) are asked to attend. Please let Matt know if you have a time conflict.
Men’s Fellowship--Men come join us this Saturday morning. Breakfast will be served at 7 am and our study will follow.
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