Monday, October 19, 2009

Announcements for Oct. 19-25

Blood Drive--Monday, Oct. 19 3-6:30pm, we currently have 38 time slots still available. Registration is not required but is suggested to help with schedules. To register, log into or simply call Cheryl Wysong @ 547-0792. If for some reason you are unable to donate at this time and would still like to be a part, we have a refreshment sign up sheet on the table in the foyer. Thanks for supporting this very worthy cause.

Ministry Partnership Opportunity--If you enjoy working with children and are available to serve on Wednesday nights, Bible Fellowship Church has extended an invitation to join them in serving their AWANA program. This opportunity is available to anyone at Greenville Grace, all you need is a recommendation letter from us and training from Bible Fellowship in the "Safe and Secure program" (a video course that can be done privately). If you have any further questions, either contact our office, or our brothers/sisters at Bible Fellowship (547.1952)

Collecting Boxes for Operation Christmas Child- This year, we will be collecting shoeboxes filled with toys for Operation Christmas Child. The deadline for shoeboxes will be November 22nd. If you are not familiar with the ministry, pick up a brochure on the table in Narthex or call Pam Denniston with questions.

Communion: On November 22 @ 6:30pm, we will be celebrating the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection on behalf of our sins! If you know Christ as your Savior, we hope that you will join us for this beautiful service.

Men’s Training--Please join us this Monday evening for our Men’s training. Study will begin promptly at 7:00 pm and will be followed by additional training on men's issues.

Elders Meeting--Monday, 8pm

Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm

Elevate--Wednesday, 7pm

Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am

Women’s Fall Harvest Gathering—Ladies let’s gather together on Oct. 31 from 9:30-11:00am for fun, fellowship and food. Bring your favorite breakfast/brunch dish to share. Sign-up on table in narthex. Questions? Call Diana Manges or Linda Gibbons.

Purchase your Thanksgiving dessert or baked good at the Women’s Ministry Baker’s Auction Sunday, November 15, 6pm at Grace. If you have a baked good you specialize in, we need your help! Please donate your item to be auctioned off by signing-up in the narthex. Then bring your goodie Sunday, November 15 during 1st or 2nd service in a disposable container, ready to be auctioned away that evening. Proceeds will go to help cover the cost of childcare expenses for the Women’s Ministry.

(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (, April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)

Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda Gibbons for further details.

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