LINDSAY DONADIO ARRANGEMENTS--Please continue in prayer for the Claudy/Donadio families as they mourn the tragic loss of Lindsay. Calling Hours are Monday, 4-8pm @ Zechar-Bailey and the Funeral will be Tuesday, 10am @ Castine C.O.B.. If you are helping provide food for the funeral meal, all food is to be at Greenville Grace by 9am Tuesday.
ENCOURAGE THE PIERCES—Daniel and Teressa will be visiting Greenville in just a few weeks. A couple ways you can encourage them:
- Scrap Book Page—We would love to provide Daniel and Teressa with a scrapbook from Grace.
- -Please grab a scrapbook sheet from the black table and decorate it with pictures, letters, and thoughts from your family.
- -If you would like someone else to design your page, please contact the office. (We have willing women who have volunteered)
- -If you have participated in 4-H at the Fair, there is a page to sign in the back of the auditorium.
- -If you have completed your page, there is a box in the kitchen to place completed pictures. All scrapbook pages need to be turned into the church by Wednesday evening so they can be included in the book!
- Pictures, Pictures, Pictures—We would also like to show a “picture history” of Daniel and Teressa’s time here in Greenville. If you have pictures from the last 8 years of ministry (whether Daniel and Teressa are in them or not), would you be wiling to allow us to borrow them (just to scan, then they’d be returned to you)? If so, please contact the office.
RETURN OF THE WOLFES—Tim and Evelyn Wolfe (Missionaries of ours in the Dominican Republic) will be returning to us in October. We want to shower them with support. Please see the “cornucopia” out on the Outreach Board. Grab and item and return the gift card (along with an encouragement card) to the office by October 7th.
ROD & SARA DEATON--It was a joy to welcome Rod and Sara Deaton into our fellowship "officially." Rod and Sara have attended Grace for a while now, and certainly considered it home, but were just recently received into membership by the elders. Welcome!
WELCOME TO GRACE—Are you new to our church and would like to understand Grace better? Perhaps you’ve been coming for a while but are thinking of officially making Grace your home? Then the “Welcome to Grace” class is for you. Please sign up in the narthex or contact the office. Class begins September 16th @ 6:30pm (childcare provided). You can still join if you are interested!
DIVORCE CARE—If you know a loved one who has suffered the pain of divorce or separation, we encourage you to tell them about Divorce Care. God has been gracious to many in our church (and community) to allow them healing through this time and to draw them closer to His Son through this support group. See the table in the narthex for a flier you could give a loved one. Begins Monday night @7pm.
LIFE GROUPS—If you thought the beginning of the fall would mean the end of our nagging you about LIFE Groups, you were wrong. Seriously, we can’t encourage you enough to experience all the “one anothers” that Scripture describes through this ministry. LIFE Groups are just starting up, and it is not too late to join. Just fill out a green card on the table and return it to the office. We’ll take care of the rest.
SUNSHINE BAG—We encourage you to continue to shower Chris and Stacy Mortensen with love and prayers. There is a bag on the table in the narthex that provides ideas for ways to encourage them. Simply grab a copy of the list attached to the bag, purchase the items and attach an encouragement card, and return to the bag.
TENTS—Did you let us borrow a tent for VBS? If so, thank you. Are you allowing us to store your tent since then? If so, we are fully blessed and prepared to return it to you. Please check the tents in the corner of the Narthex to see if we still have yours.
MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY--We are currently seeking to develop a ministry team in the area of Children's Music. If you enjoy working with children and are musically, dramatically, artistically, or technically inclined, please prayfully consider the following opportunities for service:
- Children's Church Weekly Worship--song leadedrs and sound/powerpoint technicians in weekly times of worship during the Children's Church portion of 2nd service (~11:30-11:45). The goal would be to have a rotation of teams once a month.
- Special Programs--an as-needed team of various helpers working on seasonal and other special music. Would include working with drama, choir, costuming, set design, hand bell directing, and choreography. There will be an informational meeting on September 30th, from 10:45-11:15 in the Children's Church room. Any questions, contact Shelly Warner at 692.6577 or
JOY Club Outing (Senior Adult Ministry)--will be having lunch at Farmer Brown's on October 6th @ 11am and then will go to the Bear's Mill Fall Festival.
- Weekly Budget: $6458
- Average Weekly Giving: $6069
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