Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Highlights in Hebrews

Just an update about our website...

The notes and audio from last weeks Adult Sunday School are up. If you missed Oscar Stroede's first week of "Highlights in Hebrews" you can download all the resources here .

Additionally, all of our current 1 John questions, lesson plans, table talks, and audio are currently up as well. Be sure to check it out as well.

Thanks for your patience as we continue to try and get more resources for you. I will be sure to post here at the blog as soon as we get more Lifegroup questions and children's ministry resources available.

1 comment:

jason said...

By the way, if you are downloading some of the Lifegroup questions, lesson plans, or Table Talks you will need Adobe Reader. There is a link at the bottom of the page that will get you to the site where the free download is.

Also, if the mp3 files don't work on your computer, you may want to try downloading iTunes... another free download (I love the internet).

If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to email me.