Monday, February 4, 2008

Announcements for Feb. 4-10

"WELCOME TO GRACE" CLASS STARTS FEB. 10th--If you’ve been attending Grace for a while (or even if this is your first week) and you would like to find out more about the church, as well as have a format for asking any questions you may have, we strongly encourage you to consider our Welcome to Grace Fellowships (February 10, 24 and March 9). In these three weeks, we will try to cover all the details that will help you better understand “why we do what we do.” (These fellowships are a requirement for all considering membership, but are not limited to those considering membership). If you are interested, please sign up on the table in the narthex or fill out the tear off and place in the offering.

ELDER STUDY BEGINS MONDAY NIGHT, FEB. 4 - Be here at 7pm as we begin our study on “Biblical Eldership”.

GRACE MOM’S GROUP - Wednesday, February 6, 9:30 am here at the church.

JOY FELLOWSHIP - Saturday, Feb. 9, 4:30 pm at Longfellow’s Shadows Restaurant, Sater St., Greenville

WELCOME TO GRACE - Starts next Sunday night, Feb. 10th at 6:30 pm

VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE- If you want to influence government with Christian principles, are you prepared to express your values at the ballot box? Monday, Feb. 4th is the deadline to register for the March primary elections. You can register today in the foyer by filling out a one page form. Leave it here and we will take your registration to the Board of Elections for you.

Average Weekly Jan. Giving: $6938
2008 Average Weekly Need: $6147

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