Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Announcements for Mar. 23-29

LADIES NIGHT OUT--March 27, 6:30-9:30pm

QUIET TIME SEMINAR--If you are interested taking the Quiet Time Seminar (March 28, 8:30-12:30) at Bible Fellowship, Pastor Chris Cobb has graciously offered that all people from our church can pay the group rate. See the table in the narthex for more information.

DOWN SYNDROME FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP--Down Syndrome touches many families. If yours is one of them, come join us in starting a local Greenville Area Support Group on Saturday, March 28, 10am at Greenville Grace. For more information, or to R.S.V.P. call Heather at 937-968-3669 or email at ocelot210@yahoo.com.

DATE CORRECTION--Communion, April 10 at 6:30pm

BLOOD DRIVE--April 13, 3:00-6:30pm There is a sign-up sheet for snacks and juice on table in narthex. You can go online to www.DonorTime.com to register an appointment or call Cheryl Wysong @ 547-0792 if you need help registering. Appointments aren't necessary but are encouraged to reduce wait time. Guidelines for donating sometimes change so even if you have not been eligible to give in the past, please go online and see if giving is a possibility now. It's free, simple and you could save up to 3 lives with a single donation.

HIGH SCHOOL/COLLEGE AGE CONFERENCE--Basore Grace Brethren is offering "Committed to Christ: Walking the Talk" Conference April 18th. Cost is only $25 (lunch and dinner included). This conference offers main sessions as well as 16 different mini-sessions to choose from. Looks like a great opportunity! See the table in the narthex for more information.

VBS--June 14th – 19th
Mark your calendars now. The dates for this year’s VBS have been set.

HAPPY CAMPERS--Are you looking for a summer camp experience where your child can have fun and grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus? We've got two options for you. Our Tristate District of Grace Brethren Churches is offering "Creation Adventure" July 12th-17th. Skyview Ranch is also offering camps five different weeks in the summer. If interested in either camp (we'd recommend either one!), you can check in the church office for information or check out their websites. (tristatecamp.com or skyviewranch.org)

ATTENTION LIFEGROUPS--We are moving our Leviticus studies around slightly to better fit with Resurrection Sunday. We will be looking at Leviticus 16:1-17:16 on April 12th and Leviticus 13:1-15:33 on April 19th. Please take note of this switch to better facilitate your LIFEGroup discussions.

ELDER LEADERSHIP--The elder team would like to present Marshall Gipe to the church body as one who desires to be an elder. While Scripture says it is an honorable thing to desire the office of an elder (1 Timothy 3:1), the chapter goes on to lay out very specific guidelines for elder leadership (3:1-7). We would encourage you to examine this passage (along with Titus 1 and 1 Peter 5, among others) and also Marshall’s testimony. As elders, we desire to know if you can affirm Marshall’s qualifications for elder leadership. Would you please consider these texts, examine Marshall’s life and then share your confirmations or concerns with a current elder?

GRACE BLOG--To keep informed about happenings here at Grace, check out our church blog (ggbcnews.blogspot.com) for special announcements, missionary updates, baptism testimonies and much more.

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