Thursday, March 12, 2009

Announcements for Mar. 9-15

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC--Praise God for the recent trip to the Dominican by several within our church body. Tim Wolfe provided a brief update on their trip (which is found on our blog) and the team will be sharing with us next week, during the services. Be sure to join us next week to hear how your prayer and support have been used to further the gospel and how God used these brothers and sisters to help you fulfill your calling to proclaim His name to all nations!

LADIES NIGHT OUT--March 27, 6:30-9:30pm

QUIET TIME SEMINAR--If you are like many other believers, establishing and keeping a disciplined, effective quiet-time is a real struggle. Bible Fellowship Church is offering a four-hour seminar on Saturday morning, March 28 from 8:30am to 12:30pm. Pastor Chris Cobb will be teaching how to have an effective, personal quiet time. Bring your Bible, a pen and a heart ready to hear the Word. For more information, contact Pastor Cobb at or the church office, 937-547-1952.

DOWN SYNDROME FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP--Down Syndrome touches many families. If yours is one of them, come join us in starting a local Greenville Area Support Group on Saturday, March 28, 10am at Greenville Grace. For more information, or to R.S.V.P. call Heather at 937-968-3669 or email at

BLOOD DRIVE--APRIL 13, 3:00-6:30pm There is a sign-up sheet for snacks and juice on table in narthex. You can go online to to register an appointment or call Cheryl Wysong @ 547-0792 if you need help registering. Appointments aren't necessary but are encouraged to reduce wait time. Guidelines for donating sometimes change so even if you have not been eligible to give in the past, please go online and see if giving is a possibility now. It's free, simple and you could save up to 3 lives with a single donation.

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