Women’s Study--Wednesday, 6:30pm
SHAKE--Wednesday, 7pm
Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am
Christmas musical--If your child is in the 1st-4th grade and would like a role in the musical, readings will take place Sunday October 11 during regular children's music time (12:00).
JOY Club--On Oct. 4th at 4pm, we will be having a hayride and bonfire at Mike & Linda Fourmans home. If you would like to carpool, meet at the church parking lot at 3:45pm. Bring a smile and dress warm.
Men’s Backpacking Trip 2009--Come for a great time of fellowship with other men on October 22-25 at Red River Gorge, Kentucky. Cost is $35.00. Contact Jon Knight (467-4963) if you have any questions. Please sign up by October 11 on the sheet in the narthex.
Women’s Fall Harvest Gathering—Ladies let’s gather together on Oct. 31 from 9:30-11:00am for fun, fellowship and food. Bring your favorite breakfast/brunch dish to share. Sign up on table in narthex. Questions? Call Diana Manges or Linda Gibbons.
(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (t4g.org), April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)
Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, www.ReviveOurHearts.com. The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda G
SHAKE--Wednesday, 7pm
Women’s Study--Thursday, 9:30am
Christmas musical--If your child is in the 1st-4th grade and would like a role in the musical, readings will take place Sunday October 11 during regular children's music time (12:00).
JOY Club--On Oct. 4th at 4pm, we will be having a hayride and bonfire at Mike & Linda Fourmans home. If you would like to carpool, meet at the church parking lot at 3:45pm. Bring a smile and dress warm.
Men’s Backpacking Trip 2009--Come for a great time of fellowship with other men on October 22-25 at Red River Gorge, Kentucky. Cost is $35.00. Contact Jon Knight (467-4963) if you have any questions. Please sign up by October 11 on the sheet in the narthex.
Women’s Fall Harvest Gathering—Ladies let’s gather together on Oct. 31 from 9:30-11:00am for fun, fellowship and food. Bring your favorite breakfast/brunch dish to share. Sign up on table in narthex. Questions? Call Diana Manges or Linda Gibbons.
(Men’s) Ministry Minded Conference: The elders will be attending Together for the Gospel (t4g.org), April 13-15, 2010. We'd like to extend an invitation to any men that may be interested in joining us. This conference would be especially helpful for men who are considering elder leadership or other ministry opportunities. See the wooden table, or speak to an elder if you are interested. (See Danny before registering to find out about special "group rate" opportunity.)
Revive Our Hearts True Woman National Conference 2010--Ladies, start now preparing for a great weekend getaway at the True Woman National Conference held in Indianapolis. The dates are September 23-25, 2010. You have to sign-up for the conference at their web site, www.ReviveOurHearts.com. The church will be blocking off rooms when available. Contact Linda G
Life Groups: If you were not involved in a group last year and would like to be, it is not too late to sign up. Simply fill out a sign up card on the table in the narthex and place it in the basket provided. Your group leader will be in touch with you within 2 weeks. If you were in a group last year (or led one), please fill out a card so that our records are up to date and a leader will be in touch with you to give you all the details of your new/old group. Thanks for considering participation in this vital Grace ministry. If you have questions about what LIFE Groups are or how they work, please contact Marshall Gipe @ 937.932.1991 hm, or marshall@thegipes.com
Grace is launching a new ministry specifically for college age adults (18-25). It is specifically designed for those who are out of high school and looking for a place to get connected at Grace. There will be an old, fashioned, fall kick-off party on October 4th at 7:00pm. Bring friends and any ideas, all college age adults are welcome. Keep your eyes open for more information to come!
MINISTRY PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY--If you enjoy working with children and are available to serve on Wednesday nights, Bible Fellowship Church has extended an invitation to join them in serving their AWANA program. This opportunity is available to anyone at Greenville Grace, all you need is a recommendation letter from us and training from Bible Fellowship in the "Safe and Secure program" (a video course that can be done privately). If you have any further questions, either contact our office, or our brothers/sisters at Bible Fellowship (547.1952)ibbons for further details.
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